
Full Stack (Web)

Proficient in application development (mostly for web interfaces), with working knowledge of the JavaScript ecosystem, such as Node, React, Mongo, Express and Python web frameworks such as Flask and Django. Exposure to Spring Boot microservice development.

Data Science & Analytics

Expertise in Python-based libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib for data visualization and analytics. Experience working with ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) Stack for developing custom dashboards for analytics, reporting and reviewing purposes.


Comfortable with version control to track projects and using Git/GitHub. Beginner level knowledge with interest in diving deeper into Terraform, Kubernetes.

Preferred Tech

Languages: Python, Java, Javascript;
Web frameworks: Node, Angular, React, Flask, Express, Django;
Databases: MongoDB, MySQL;
Libraries: Pandas, Keras, Tensorflow;
Other: Git, Linux, Docker, VS Code